Changing Scenery

Good morning, dear reader!

I want to sincerely thank you for joining me here!

Life is full of little surprises. Sometimes, these come as sweet, heartwarming packages dotted along the way, waiting to cheer us up–you know, the fuzzy kind of surprises. Something like reconnecting with a friend, having the best hair day, finding a stunning deal, or finding the ideal parking spot.

And then there is the other kind. The one that is like a lightning bolt, striking out of the clear blue sky and initiating earth-rocking change. You know . . . like, a sudden job change, your best friend moving out of state, relationships ending or starting, health news, and other surprises. . . like that!

I believe some people refer to them as. . . plot twists. They make life really interesting!

One of these lightning-bolt changes that really disrupts the flow of “your world” is when God shows up and asks you to take a step of faith.

When I think of blind faith like this, I think of Abram. God instructed him to start a-walkin’. . . and obedient Abram took one step of faith, after another step of faith. . . further and further away from all that was familiar.

I don’t know about you. . . but I don’t really like surprises. Or the unexpected. Ahhh! It makes me feel uncomfortably “in the dark.” Even good surprises–I can’t handle suspense as well as others might. But no matter my surprise tolerance–God calls us all to walk with Him by faith.

  • Am I ready for change?
  • Am I ready for a curve ball?
  • Am I ready for 2025 to up-end everything that I’ve known?

These are hard questions. Change is a force that will land you flat on your back, and the wind will completely knock you out! Hahaha!

God does that. Often! He changes the tempo–and switches the order. He’ll derail “your version of progress.”

Why? Because that was His plan all along–you’re just finding out!

We just came through the Christmas season, so I know that the Nativity story is fresh in our minds. Think of Mary! Imagine single ladies, how disorienting it would feel to all of a sudden become a mother–completely out of the blue! Motherhood for Mary was a surprise that completely blew apart her plans for life! But motherhood was a blessing that the Lord designed specifically for her life.

And that’s where faith comes in. That’s where a willing attitude and a submissive heart are strengthened. It’s easy (especially for all of the strong-willed readers out there 😊) to resist the change God is making. What if you can’t find a neat place for the change to fit into your clever vision board? Hahaha! I’ve been there!

  • Perhaps the change that God is ushering into your life is escorting some of your high hopes out of your life. . .
  • Perhaps the change that God is breathing into your life requires you to swallow a few “NEVER’s” that you’ve vowed. . .
  • Perhaps the change that God is interrupting your life with is calling you to a season of loneliness . . .
  • Perhaps the change that God is USING in your life is forcing you to face some of the darkest fears you could imagine. . .

Perhaps all of these are true!

BUT here's what I do know – the change that God is introducing into your life is the starting point of the fullest and happiest life you are capable of living!

So often, we are crippled by the misconception that Christ asks us to trust Him, only to make our lives miserable. . . where on earth does this fear come from?

Although a life surrendered unto Christ will lead to some difficulty and hardships–it is also the pathway to the richest life possible.

This is a subject close to my heart. As I’m looking forward, I can see several different options that are jutting out like rays. I can’t do them all. . . only one. Sometimes this causes me to worry. . . but recently, I recalled a Psalm that comforted my anxiety.

“Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.”
Psalms 139:3

God knows the end result for me. He is well-acquainted with all of my ways. Even though I feel like the ground is shifting, and no one knows what’s going to happen. . . God knows.

It’s up to me to listen attentively to His directing.

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.”
Isaiah 30:21

With Love,

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Journal of Seasons

Welcome to my little journal where I share odds and ends that I’ve been pondering. I hope to be a blessing and an encouragement to you as I grow in life with the Lord by my side. My hobby is journaling and drinking coffee in a cute mug so don’t be shy. Grab a mug of your favorite cozy drink and maybe we can connect through some trial or perhaps a joy that God brings us through.

Read more from Journal of Seasons

February 15, 2025Good morning, my friends! Oh. . . if you had a chance to read last month’s news article . . . here is part two! Haha! Last month, I wrote about the presence of change in the air. In winter, the air becomes so bone dry and highly conductive to static electricity. Have you ever noticed fleece sheets sparkling in the dark with these sudden bursts of energy? It’s pretty neat! But let’s just say that when I wrote last month’s article, I didn’t fully realize just HOW charged the...

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