Good morning my friends!
Once again, I am so excited to write in this journal!
Much has happened in the past month! School is progressing well and I’m now rounding the corner to conquer my Midterms. It’ll be very nice to have them behind me!
However, I’ve had this newsletter idea for a while. Lately, I have been exhausted and mentally zapped. Oftentimes, I reach the end of the day and silently groan at my to-do list for the next day. Just about every day for the past month, I have experienced a rush of overwhelm.
I’ve often gone to bed thinking, “Tomorrow’s responsibilities will ne-ver get done!” And unbelievably, the next night my to-do list would be completed, but I would still say to myself, “It worked out today, but tomorrow. . . . tomorrow will be different. It’ll ne-ver get done!” This has been a slight struggle that I’ve been grappling with and I wanted to share some small reminders that are helping me.
The Bible says,
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9)
This verse sparked some tiny habits that have helped me not feel like I’m forever running on the hamster-wheel. God doesn’t expect me to feel overly stressed – why, that would be the opposite of peace!
The word “nourished” has been my action word from this verse.
I believe that I am in God’s will. . . full-heartedly. I believe that by diligently applying myself to my education, I am doing what God wants me to do. And I believe that one day, it’ll be time to reap in due season!
Sigh! That’ll be a lovely day! (cue the triumphant, feel-good, and whimsical music and stream the delightful sun beams!)
Ah! But yes, there is the day-to-day part about “not fainting.” Oof! How am I going to keep myself from curling up and fainting! Haha!
This has been my tumbling thought for the past weeks. My inner dialogue is quite funny these days, “Mariah! You’ve got two jobs today! Just two tiny jobs – so make sure you get them done. First, do everything – all of it, and don’t forget any part! And secondly, do it all perfectly!”
Ahh! That inner dialogue makes me want to twirl my eyes back into the recesses of my noggin’ and – well, faint in a pathetic heap!
So yes, back to the part about nourishment. . .
I would like to share four little habits that are nourishing my soul. . . I have experienced an enthusiastic and more hopeful shift in my mood!
1. A slower morning. . .
30 minutes slower (to be exact!)
In Bible college, I “perfected” the most efficient morning routine! I could be completely ready for school, pulled together, spruce up my room, and do my devotions in exactly 60 minutes or 3,600 seconds! Down to a science! . . . With a little frantic running around!
It was my pride and joy to crank out an exquisitely and almost cold-heartedly morning routine. So. . . I thought I would just keep up this 0 to 100 morning pace. However, as I began this semester, I felt wide-eyed and panicked as I literally sprinted out the door. I didn’t feel refreshed. Goodness – at times I think I had adrenaline dripping out of the corners of my eyes!
I decided to try out a 30 minute slower morning! Instead of aiming to be out the door in 60 minutes, I’ve been allowing myself 90 minutes instead. I am loving the way that I feel! Hahaha! I don’t feel insane.
2. A restful Sunday
God provided (yes, He intentionally designed) one day to rest and relax! And I rarely ever stop to enjoy that one day that He set aside. I always think, “Instead of napping this afternoon, I think I’ll work on some homework or organize my closet.” Or whatever. . . Then I was struck with a novel idea – "What if I actually rested on Sunday?" Haha! I literally added “nap” to my Sunday to-do list. Hey, the things that get scheduled – get done!
3. A good laugh
It’s easy to get stressed. It’s easy to overthink. When I’m working on my Statistics homework and I get stuck, it eats me like an acid. When I’ve turned in an essay and I’m waiting for the grade, I am so focused on what will be marked down in red ink. In other words, I find it difficult to set work aside and just enjoy my evening. . . I keep thinking and thinking and obsessing. . . And when I’m in bed and supposed to be falling asleep, I keep on thinking about that unfinished assignment. . . I keep thinking and thinking and obsessing. But you know what completely shatters my cycle of overthinking. . . laughter! It’s my go-to when I feel stressed or panicky. Funny books, funny videos, funny friends, funny predicaments. . . I have really enjoyed laughing more!
4. A personalized promise
A couple weeks ago, I reserved a study room at my college for a two-hour slot. There was a dry-erase wall with a green marker. I started by writing out a mini to-do list for my study session, but then above the list I wrote out Galatians 6:9, but put my name in there. And let me not be weary in well doing, for in due season, Mariah will reap if she faints not! This is a promise that I am claiming for this season of life. A promise from God that is like a balm to all of my stressful situations.
I am still keeping my eye out for new solutions to keeping my soul nourished. I hope that some of these tips may have sparked an idea for you, too!
Know that in your due season you will reap as well! Keep yourself nourished and anchored in the Lord!
If you know anyone you think would also be encouraged by this newsletter, please feel free to share this email with them!
With Love,