Good morning my friends!
Thank you for joining me here in my little journal!
"Mary's Story"
Mary was a quiet, reflective woman. As she observed life around her, she picked up glimpses to ponder in her heart.
"But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.” (Luke 2:19)
I imagine that when the rest of her house was hushed in sleep, she would bring these memories out and replay them against the dark. She would string together some of the key moments in her life when God revealed something special.
When the Lord’s ways were not understood, she did not become frustrated or demanding. She would accept the unknown with a trusting heart. She believed that there would be a day when all of these memories would snap together, revealing an intricate plan that God had prepared all along.
“And they understood not the saying which he [Jesus] spake unto them. And he went down with them, came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart.”
Luke 2:50, 51
Because of Mary's story, I have been able to draw special courage to take a big leap of faith . . . especially in the last year.
As most of you readers probably know, I started this newsletter about a year ago during a massive transition in my life. I moved from my home in Michigan to Kentucky in order to attend Bible college.
However, there have been parts of that story that I left out from my writings. Mainly because I did not know how many of the unknowns would turn out. So, all this time it has been a story in progress, and it still is in progress!
But maybe, just maybe, my personal experience might encourage you to trust the Lord during a transition in your life!
"My Story"
Before I left for college, my mind was saturated in turmoil. Unlike most girls making elaborate plans for their new college future, I was not excited about decorating a dorm room or making friends because I was so focused on this hurricane of sheer dread. My angst really stemmed from the fact that I had zero peace about the change. And I found it paralyzing to navigate the college arena while feeling so unsettled.
As the countdown shrank, I prayed to the Lord for peace so I could accept this adjustment. I needed Him to reassure me that everything was going to be okay.
And He answered me. Only. . . His answer did not make sense to me.
As I was reading in my Bible (searching for the answer), the Lord got my attention with this verse.
“Cast not away therefore, your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.”
Hebrews 10:35, 36
Immediately, I knew this was His answer. I felt instant relief, knowing He had granted me the peace I was looking for.
But these verses stirred up more questions for me. I had no clue how some of the parts to His answer related to my situation.
Although I had peace, I also had questions—big questions! I wanted Him to elaborate!
- “Why do I need to keep my confidence?”
- “What confidence? I am ANYTHING BUT confident right now!"
- “What do You mean when You say ‘reward’?”
- “Does this all have to do with patience?”
He did not give me those answers! First I had to obey, with the peace that He did give me.
So I tucked these verses away to ponder them in my heart.
I traveled 800 miles to Kentucky with solid peace, but also a promise that I did not understand and no further explanation in sight.
Pretty soon, I was swept away in the vigorous schedule of class, class, class, chapel, class, lunch, work, sleep, repeat! The rhythm was so constant that it seemed to drown out any kind of opportunity to focus or reflect. I did not have time (or the quietness) to try to unravel the mysterious verse. Days, weeks, and months clipped by; I did not think much at all about promises, confidence, or rewards.
However, in the midst of a racing pace, God would jolt my memory. Out of the blue, I would suddenly remember the promise. It would rush to the very forefront of my memory. It was like God kept me so busy to keep me from obsessing over it while gently reminding me of it so it did not slip out of my memory.
I found a little trick to accept its significance, and then stay present with my responsibilities at school and work.
“ One day, it will all make sense to me, but
for now, I will relish the thrill, hope,
and peace it is giving me today.”
Each time I revisited the verse, I was just as puzzled and clueless as I was when I first noticed it. Several times during my two semesters at college, I was gently reminded of it, but always without any more context.
Mary’s story would settle my racing thoughts. I got into a routine of recalling the promise, pondering it, and then moving on.
It was not until the summer, when I was back home in beautiful Michigan, that God started to peel back some of the layers. He opened doors that were sealed shut before. It was incredible! I watched Him move mountains that were cemented to the ground for years! It was as if that verse foreshadowed future events for me.
The exciting part is that not all of the verse has happened just yet. Aspects have, but there are entire gaps that are still unknown to me.
So, for now, while I enjoy what God has chosen to reveal, I am also accepting the promise with the same attitude I had in college.
“One day, it will all make sense to me, but
for now, I will relish the thrill, hope,
and peace it is giving me today.”
This is the beauty of a God-given promise. It is ever unfolding.
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”
Philippians 1:6
I can not let mystery-solving become my focus or prevent me from accomplishing God's will. One day, in God's timing, this promise will become an important part of my life's theme. But for now, all I can do is to keep focused on my responsibilities and, in the meantime, ponder it in my heart.
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With Love,